Stara Zagora to become a center for hydrogen achievements in the next six years In our region, we must have accelerated development of hydrogen technologies in order to make up for a 30-year gap, believes Prof. Daria Vladikova

Energy / Bulgaria
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Our mission over the next 6 years is to build an innovative ecosystem for science and innovation in the field of hydrogen technologies. This was announced by Prof. Daria Vladikova, scientific coordinator of the future Center of Excellence in Hydrogen Technologies "H2Start" (H2START), during an event that officially marks the beginning of the process of building the research zone on the territory of the Thracian University in Stara Zagora.

A necessary condition for achieving this goal, according to Prof. Vladikova, is to increase research intensity.

"To accomplish these tasks, we have specific goals to achieve," she explained, quoted by BTA. Goals that, in her words, determine the methodology for the development of the center.

The first goal is to create a new type of management of the research process with well-written rules, transparency and autonomy in the decision-making process.

The second important point is the presence of a program – long-term within 6 years and short-term of 1 year in the implementation of the strategic goals.

"Without such a program, we cannot keep up with the European Research Area," pointed out the importance of this goal, Prof. Vladikova.

In addition, the center still needs equipment and people.

 "We want this equipment to be of the next generation," she explained.

 , she briefly presented the presence of a strategy that is yet to be developed, starting with finding future talent, their development and training, and the creation of good working conditions and opportunities for career development.

 Only upon implementation of the above three goals, the center team believes that it can proceed to the fundamental task of increasing scientific intensity and quality at the international level.

"This means publications, valuable patents. We plan to have at least two "spinoffs" (commercial organizations within academic and research institutions - author's note), very serious cooperation with industry and other research institutions - long-term and strategic," explained Prof. Daria Vladikova.

She also shared information about the horizontal activities of the H2START hydrogen center at Thrace University.

Starting with training, the scientific coordinator of the project said that there will be a training center, opportunities for qualification and retraining. Staff exchange will also be relied on.

 "Our ultimate goal is to enter the network of master's programs at a very high level," said Prof. Vladikova.

She also emphasized the importance of overcoming legislative barriers, which implies joint work with both politicians and the administration in order to facilitate the introduction of hydrogen technologies.

Another very important task facing the creators of the center, according to the spokesperson, is public awareness of hydrogen.

"We want to change the map of Europe. Central and Eastern Europe is awakening (in the field of hydrogen technologies and infrastructure - ed.). Bulgaria is an early riser. But in our region we need to have accelerated development of hydrogen technologies, to make up for a 30-year gap," said Prof. Vladikova in response to the question of why the research center is being built.

The short path to overcoming the above-mentioned gap, according to the scientific coordinator of the project, is through cooperation with partners from countries where there are already well-developed hydrogen structures. In the case of the H2START center in Stara Zagora, its construction is being carried out in cooperation with the Thracian University, the Bulgarian Association for Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Energy Storage (BGH2A), the Polytechnic University of Turin (POLITO) and the Italian Institute for Advanced Energy Technologies "Nicola Giordano" - CNR ITAE.

"We will build together. We are not partners, but a team," explained Prof. Vladikova. "When we build it, we will all use it together - Bulgaria and Europe."

The funding for the Center of Excellence in Hydrogen Technologies will be provided by the EU under the Horizon Europe Program and national co-financing, under the Research, Innovation and Digitalization for Smart Transformation Program (RIDI) 2021 - 2027, under the management of the Ministry of Innovation and Growth (MIG). Both countries will provide 15 million euros of the necessary resources.

Prof. Daria Vladikova expressed gratitude for the support received from the Ministry of Innovation and Growth, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, the Municipality of Stara Zagora, and the corporate and academic support provided.



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