The Energy Committee adopted on second reading the bill for financial support for household consumers left without electricity during the holidays

The deputies rejected the bill for the nationalization of "Lukoil"

Industry / Bulgaria
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The Energy Committee adopted on second reading the bill for providing financial support to household end customers of electricity left without supply in the period 21 - 31 December inclusive. We recall that on first reading this bill was adopted with 200 votes "in favor".

Basically, it provides for the settlement of an additional payment under a decree of the Council of Ministers of December 30 last year in the amount of 2 million and 200 thousand to household consumers left without electricity during the Christmas and New Year holidays.

The amount must be provided to the Electricity System Security Fund (ESSF). They must provide support to 26,000 household end customers. Recipients of the financial assistance are individuals who have been without electricity for more than 24 hours within the specified period.

The ESSF is expected to conclude contracts with end suppliers within 5 days, to which the fund will transfer the amounts for household customers. If such a contract is not concluded, sanctions are foreseen for end suppliers. The payment of the amounts from the end suppliers must be made within 1 month.

The bill does not cancel the penalties of electricity distribution companies under their contractual relationships. With its adoption, financial support can be provided to end household customers with the latest February invoices.

During the discussion in the Energy Committee, MP Ramadan Atalay explained that in practice, household consumers will receive double compensation. He raised the question on what basis the Council of Ministers decided to compensate household consumers, since by law such compensation is due from the electricity distribution companies. In this regard, he gave the example of "Sofia District Heating", which, due to a major accident, left hundreds of thousands of customers in the capital without heating and hot water. In particular, Atalay raised the issue of providing funds through the final supplier. In response to a remark about the need to discipline the EDPs, he was categorical that this cannot be done through this bill.

Meanwhile, from the opinions received by the Energy Committee, it is clear that this bill raises significant issues and raises concerns about violating the principles of the Constitution.

The deputies rejected the bill on the "purchase" of "Lukoil"

The question of violating the principles of the Constitution was also raised with regard to the request for the so-called "investment expense" by the state for the acquisition of the Lukoil companies and the refinery. In their statements, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Energy categorically do not support the bill submitted by the deputies from "Sword" for the so-called nationalization.

With 8 votes "against", 2 "abstains", but also with 6 votes "for", the issue of "investment expense" for the purchase of the Lukoil oil refinery and the company went down in history.



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