By the end of the year, a new cadastral-administrative and information system will be launched
Due to data migration between December 11 and 15, services will not be provided through KAIS and from the cadastral map and cadastral registers

By the end of the year, the new cadastral-administrative and information system of the Agency for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre (AGCC) will be operational. It includes all the new parameters and requirements according to the current regulations and innovations in digital technologies, so that it meets the modern requirements for network and information security, as well as the expected loads when providing data and services. All possible processes for providing references and documents have been automated, which will significantly reduce the time for the implementation of the services provided to citizens, businesses, state and municipal administrations. The processes for providing internal electronic-administrative services have been upgraded in order to ensure the official exchange of information between the various state and municipal departments, which will contribute to the reduction of the administrative and financial burden for citizens and businesses.
The new system was built by "Information Service" JSC within the framework of the "Development of specialized information systems for spatial data of AGCC" project. According to the schedule developed by the agency, data migration to it will be done within 5 days, from 11.12.2024 (Wednesday) to 15.12.2024 (Sunday). In this period, information systems and the KAIS electronic services portal will not be accessible, and AGCC will not perform services from the cadastral map and cadastral registers, as it is necessary to perform a complete shutdown of the current systems and transfer of all data.
The old information system of the cadastre was developed in the period 2006-2008 under a project of the World Bank. Despite the numerous corrections and updates, the development of the system was limited due to the initial physical and logical architecture, which did not allow change without significant redesign of the systems. In recent years, the consumption of online cadastral services has also increased manifold, which in turn led to overloading of the old system.
The processes of construction and implementation of the new information system are carried out by a team of experts with proven long-term experience in the implementation and maintenance of information systems of many key institutions for the state. At the moment, several test migrations have been performed before the final one. The security and quality assurance measures required by the legislation are provided for the transfer of data. Contingency plans have been prepared.