249 projects for electricity generation from renewable energy sources and electricity storage for nearly BGN 526 million will be financed under the NRSP

The evaluation of proposals to be completed by March 31, 2026 has been completed

Energy / Bulgaria
3E news
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The evaluation of the investment proposals received under the procedure "Support of new capacities for the production of electricity from renewable sources and storage of electricity with an installed capacity of 200 kW to 2 MW" (Invitation 1) and the procedure "Support of new capacities for the production of electricity from renewable sources and electricity storage with an installed capacity of more than 200 kW" (Call 2), financed under the National Recovery and Sustainability Plan.

A total of 327 proposals were received under Call 1, of which 267 were accepted for ranking. The available financial resource under the procedure is in the amount of BGN 107,570,650, which allows financing of 200 projects with a total value of nearly BGN 107 million. The projects envisage the installation of 435 MW of production capacity from renewable sources and 176 MW of local facilities for the storage of electricity energy. Another 67 projects, for which there is not enough financial resources, are included in the list of reserve proposals with a total value of just over BGN 44 million.

A total of 70 proposals were received under Call 2, and 65 of them were admitted to ranking the proposals. The available financial resource under the procedure is in the amount of BGN 427,544,438, which allows the financing of 49 projects with a total value of almost BGN 419 million. During their implementation, 2,660 MW of production capacity from renewable sources and 1,000 MW of local storage facilities will be installed of electrical energy. 16 projects for which there is not enough financial resources are included in the list of reserve proposals with a total value of nearly BGN 43 million.

The project implementation deadline is March 31, 2026.

"The production of electricity from renewable sources as well as the provision of sufficient capacity for electricity storage is key to meeting the challenges of the Green Deal. "Investments in technologies for decarbonized electricity production are the way to develop a modern energy industry", stressed the Minister of Energy Vladimir Malinov. According to him, the completed evaluation of the proposals that will be financed under the NRSP is an important step towards the implementation of the main priorities of the country in the energy sphere - reducing carbon emissions and successfully integrating the production capacities for renewable energy into the network while ensuring security and the stability of the power system.

The main goal of the investment is to contribute to increasing the share of clean energy in Bulgaria's energy mix on the way to climate neutrality. The procedure proved significant investment interest, with the supported proposals being for the construction and integration into the electricity grid of new additional approximately 3 GW of production capacity from renewable sources together with approximately 1.2 GW of local electrical energy storage facilities. This enables the rapid deployment of new renewable capacity with intermittent generation and successfully overcoming the challenges of grid congestion, power system balancing and market distortion.



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