President Rumen Radev vetoed the new legal framework of the special representative due to contradiction with EU law and threat to the interests of justice

Industry / Bulgaria
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The head of state returns for a new discussion in the National Assembly changes to the Civil Procedure Code, made through the Transitional and final provisions in the Law on Amendments and Supplements to the Law on Advocacy, the press service of the Presidency announced.

On September 11, the National Assembly adopted amendments to the Law on the Bar, which amended the Civil Procedure Code and the Tax-Insurance Procedure Code. The legal regime related to the figure of the special representative has changed significantly. Parliament took away from the courts the power to determine the remuneration of special representatives and assigned them to local bar councils.

According to the head of state, this is in sharp contradiction with the law of the European Union, which forbids associations of providers of certain services to determine their prices themselves. The President insists that the people's representatives review individual provisions that create a risk of unreasonably infringing the principles of a fair trial within a reasonable time and the constitutional right to protection of citizens.

Once again, Rumen Radev draws the attention of the people's representatives to the need to respect the principles of reasonableness, openness and coherence in the preparation and adoption of legislative acts. "These are not formal requirements, but important guarantees against lobbying amendments," the head of state emphasizes in his reasons.



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