Prime Minister Glavchev demanded urgent measures to deal with the drought

Climate / Bulgaria
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Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev demanded urgent measures to deal with the water shortage. "There are problems that have been accumulating for years, but we have shown that we can solve them too. One of these problems is related to the lack of water in some regions of the country. We need to do something again as a matter of urgency", the prime minister was categorical. For this purpose, Dimitar Glavchev ordered experts from four ministries - MRDPW, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and Ministry of the Interior to meet immediately and to propose quick solutions.

At the beginning of the government meeting, Prime Minister Glavchev also called for a de-escalation of the political tension, for which all institutions need to make efforts. "In order to reduce political tension, I withdrew my candidacy for acting prime minister a week ago. It turned out that the tension escalated. Our government strives to convince the Bulgarian citizens that the executive power is in place and functioning", stressed Prime Minister Glavchev.



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