Minister Nikolov and the ambassador of Israel in our country discussed activation of trade relations

Industry / Bulgaria
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The possibilities for increasing Bulgarian exports to Israel were discussed during a meeting by the Minister of Economy and Industry, Dr. Petko Nikolov, and the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Israel to Bulgaria, Mr. Yosef Levi Sfari.

The two highlighted the excellent relations between the countries and discussed the possibilities for intensifying economic cooperation, stressing that there is a great untapped potential for trade expansion.

Minister Nikolov pointed out that Israel is a traditional economic partner of Bulgaria, but there is still much to be desired for the improvement of bilateral relations.

According to him, an important step to activate economic ties in various sectors would be the holding of the First Session of the Joint Commission for Economic Cooperation. "This would be a good basis for discussing concrete steps and prospects for future bilateral trade relations," said Dr. Nikolov.

The two also discussed the promotion of Israeli investments in the field of innovation and high technology in our country.

Israeli investors and companies that operate in Bulgaria, especially in the high technology sector, find engineers and experts at a very high level here, Ambassador Yosef Levi Sfari pointed out.

The Minister of Economy and the Ambassador of Israel discussed the possibilities of prioritizing work on strengthening the bilateral exchange of goods, especially for the export of goods from Bulgaria. It also became clear at the meeting that Israeli companies have already expressed interest in importing construction materials, agricultural goods, food products, clothing, hygiene products and others.



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