Funds from the Regional Development Program will support the fight against climate change

Deputy Minister Boneva participated in an international conference on the problems with urban heat islands

Climate / Bulgaria
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The Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Public Works and National Coordinator of the Danube Strategy Angelina Boneva participated in the international conference "Measures to Counteract Urban Heat Islands". It is organized in implementation of the BeReady project with leading partner Association for Development of Sofia. The project is financed under the INTERREG VI-B "Danube Region" program 2021-2027.

In his speech during the opening session, Deputy Minister Boneva noted the importance of the topic of climate change and the need to take measures to overcome it in the context of the current over-urbanization, reconstruction, increased energy consumption and traffic. In this process, all interested parties should be involved - both at the local and national level, in order to look for local solutions in the fight against climate change and the transition to a green economy.

The role of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works (MRDPW) in supporting the climate adaptation process through the 2021-2027 Regional Development Program was highlighted, under which a financial resource of 638.5 million is planned for the 10 large urban municipalities in the country BGN within the first procedure under priority "Integrated urban development". 30% of this resource will be directed to investments contributing to the achievement of climate change objectives. BGN 203 million, for example, will be directed to activities for clean urban transport, construction of charging stations and bike lanes. Over BGN 12 million are planned for investments related to digitalization of transport to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Green infrastructure will also be built so that our cities can breathe easier and be more beautiful.

The opening of the international conference was also attended by the Minister of Environment and Water, Julian Popov, and the Deputy Mayor of Sofia, Nadezhda Bobcheva. Representatives of local authorities, non-governmental organizations, educational and scientific circles were present.




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