Expert: Over 40% of households in Bulgaria are energy poor

Energy / Bulgaria
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Over 40 percent of households in our country are energy poor, Todor Slavov from the ecological association "For the Earth" told BTA. According to him, there are many such throughout Europe. The reason is that energy poverty is no longer determined only on the basis of household income, but to what extent it has energy comfort, Slavov explained. According to him, this category also includes families who, after paying for energy costs, remain at the poverty line.

Association "For the Earth" has developed a website that provides many practical tips on how everyone can increase energy efficiency in their home, thus reducing their costs, added Slavov. He recalled that the most effective measures are the replacement of windows and installation of insulation. However, many people do not know that insulation should be installed not only on the facade, but also under the roof, added the expert. He emphasized that if the dwelling has a roof slab, there must be insulation both under and on top of it. According to Slavov, for the performance of this task there are already enough quality materials at affordable prices on the market that can be used by laymen. He also emphasized that when installing facade insulation, "breathable" materials should be used, so that moisture and mold do not form inside the premises.

Regarding the use of photovoltaic panels in private residences, Slavov's comment was that this is an investment with no return. Only about 30-40 percent of the extracted energy is used, the rest is lost, was the opinion of the expert. According to him, if the state creates the conditions for buying the surplus of the produced energy, the use of photovoltaics will already make sense.

For wood heating, Slavov pointed out that it is best to use modern stoves, as well as dry wood, which is 30 percent more efficient than wet wood.

Todor Slavov is among the speakers at the tenth edition of the "Democracy Conference 2024", which takes place in Varna. Organizers of the civil forum are the Public Center for Environment and Sustainable Development and the association "For the Earth". Among the highlights of the talks during the conference are the development of civil society, agribusiness, the entry of new genetically modified organisms into the European market.



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