GERB offers the return of the free rehabilitation of the buildings for all waiting households from the RSP reserve list

Energy / Bulgaria
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Georgi Velev

A group of deputies from GERB submitted a proposal to adopt a special program for the energy renovation of buildings in our country and to continue the practice of 100% renovation with state money. This is clear from a Facebook post by Nikolay Nankov, chairman of the parliamentary regional committee.

"Citizens from all over the country who paid for an energy survey of their apartment blocks, but their renovation projects remained in the reserves, will get a new chance," wrote on Facebook the deputy from GERB - SDS and chairman of the parliamentary regional commission Nikolay Nankov.

Within three months, the regional ministry must prepare a program to secure the financing of the renovation of their buildings, he explains.

"This will be only part of a long-term national strategy to seek a solution to the problems with the housing stock in Bulgaria. Today, together with colleagues from GERB-SDS, Denitsa Nikolova and Delyan Dobrev, we submitted a proposal with which the parliament would oblige the government to adopt a short- and long-term program. We hope for support from all parliamentary groups. Because voters of all parties live in the buildings that need energy efficiency improvement. We will insist that the decision be adopted as soon as possible," explains Nankov himself.

Through the idea of the deputies from GERB - SDS, the aim is to rehabilitate nearly 2,200 buildings from the reserve waiting list, for which state funding was not provided by the National Plan for Recovery and Sustainability.

The proposal is now for Parliament to oblige the Government to adopt a National Housing Strategy 2025 - 2050, together with an action plan. This must be done within 9 months of the entry into force of the Parliament's decision. The next rotation of governments between the GERB-SDS and PP-DB combination would last approximately this long.

Also, the regional department must prepare a medium-term program with secured funding, which will guarantee the implementation of all evaluated project proposals from the reserve list under the NRSP. This program should be ready within 3 months, after the approval of the changes in the parliament. The government must approve this program by June 30, 2024. The name of the entire document uploaded to the Parliament's website is "Draft decision on the implementation of the decarbonization policy through energy renovation of the residential building stock in the country" and can be found here.



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