Minister Stoicheva: Business is very interested in the two innovation procedures open for applications

Industry / Bulgaria
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Business is very interested in the two innovation procedures open for application under the "Competitiveness and Innovation in Enterprises" Program. The procedures are related to developing capacity in enterprises and developing opportunities for growth, creation of new jobs and innovative approaches.

This was stated by the Minister of Innovation and Growth, Milena Stoycheva, in Vratsa, during an Information Day for the presentation of the European programs under the Ministry and the opportunities for business support. The event was attended by the Regional Governor of Vratsa, Nadya Donkinska, the People's Representative Denitsa Simeonova, the Director of the Main Directorate "Eurofunds for Competitiveness" in the Ministry of Innovation and Growth, Radoslav Rizov, and representatives of local businesses.

Minister Stoicheva called on local companies to be active and apply. Currently, the two innovation procedures under the Program "Competitiveness and Innovation in Enterprises" (PCIE) are open. One is for the implementation of innovations in enterprises with a budget of BGN 293.4 million and an application deadline of February 15. The second is for the development of innovations in companies with a budget of BGN 127 million and an application deadline of May 15. Projects must focus on one of the five thematic areas: "Informatics and ICT", "Mechatronics and microelectronics", "Healthy living industry, bioeconomy and biotechnology", "New technologies in creative and leisure industries" and "Clean technologies, circular and low-carbon economy'.

In 2024, there are more opportunities to support Bulgarian business under the CPIЕ. BGN 117 million has been earmarked for increasing the production capacity of family businesses and those from the creative industries and crafts. This year, a procedure for BGN 24 million will be opened for the protection of industrial property rights in enterprises, and for the introduction of technologies from the field of Industry 4.0 in enterprises - for 101.7 mln.

The Minister of Innovation and Growth announced that 40 contracts with companies with a total value of BGN 7 million have been concluded in the Vratsa region under the procedures of MIG from the National Plan for Recovery and Sustainability. They are in the process of being implemented.

Minister Stoycheva emphasized that the entrepreneurial ecosystem, small businesses and startups should come to the fore, because they provide the new solutions for the introduction of innovations. "Those enterprises and companies that base their development on investment in human capital, expertise, innovation should be the leading enterprises, because in the economy of the next generation of technology in the industry, this is the way through which we can quickly reach the developed countries" Stoycheva said. According to her, in the municipality of Vratsa there are excellently prepared IT specialists who can contribute to their companies giving high added value to other industries, such as the processing industry, production.



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