MRDPW provided funds to 6 municipalities for the rehabilitation of the last 48 blocks under the National Energy Efficiency Program

Energy / Bulgaria
3E news
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The Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works (MRDPW) signed bilateral agreements for the transfer of funds with 6 municipalities for the energy renovation of the last 48 blocks under the National Program for Energy Efficiency of Multifamily Residential Buildings. According to the contracts concluded in 2015 and 2016 for the rehabilitation of residential buildings, the program did not reach financial resources for 52 buildings. The current management of the MRDPW has provided funds for energy efficiency of these buildings, provided that they are not financed from another source and do not have structural problems. Therefore, 4 residential blocks in the municipality of Ruse, which received a negative assessment for structural stability, will not be financed.

By a decree of the Council of Ministers, intra-departmental changes to the approved expenses of the Ministry of Regional Development and Regional Development for 2023 in the amount of BGN 29,241,900 were approved. Additionally, in the draft budget of the ministry for 2024, another 28,876,000 BGN is provided for the energy renovation of these residential buildings. The total estimated value for the renovation of residential buildings within the deadline is expected to reach BGN 95,989,490. By the end of 2025, the agreements to improve their energy efficiency must be fulfilled and these buildings should be put into operation.

After securing the financing, MRDPW signed bilateral agreements with 6 municipalities for the energy renovation of the 48 residential buildings and transferred a total of BGN 27,434,069.25 under Stage I. This enables procedures to be initiated under the Public Procurement Law. The complete list of municipalities can be found on the website of the regional department.

In parallel with the provision of financing for the implementation of the buildings, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications took steps to complete the NPEEMZHS, which began way back in 2015. It is expected that in January 2024 a decree of the Council of Ministers will be adopted, which will regulate its finalization.

It is envisaged that future programs for financing energy efficiency measures of residential buildings will not use the model of 100% free financing and that citizens will co-finance part of the costs of improving their property.



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