Vice President Iliana Yotova supported an initiative to improve women's digital skills

Industry / Bulgaria , Technology
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Vice President Iliana Yotova supported the "Women in Tech" program aimed at disadvantaged women who are either looking for work or retraining. The initiative is carried out in partnership between the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, the Higher School of Telecommunications and Posts and Huawei Technologies Bulgaria.

"In the series of crises in which we live, the hard-to-eradicate weeds of inequality have sprouted. Among its first victims are the most vulnerable - women and children," said the vice-president at the presentation of the project and pointed out that although results have been achieved in the fight for equality between men and women, there is still a tightly sealed glass house that stops full development of girls and women. "The non-governmental sector works very actively, but there is a lack of a structured state policy to achieve equality between men and women," emphasized Yotova.

"In today's technological world, the level of digital skills of Bulgarians is far below the average for the European Union. Bulgaria is also behind in the share of specialists in the field of information and communication technologies," said the vice president. "At the same time, we also have reasons to be proud - Bulgaria is in first place in the European Union in terms of the share of female specialists in the information and communication technology sector, in third place in terms of the share of female students in such specialties," Iliana Yotova pointed out.

The Vice President thanked the allies of the Women in Tech initiative. "I am convinced that after the end of the project there will be more women with self-confidence that they can build their own future," she stressed.




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