Voter turnout in Sofia and Varna is higher compared to the vote four years ago

Industry / Bulgaria
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The total voter turnout for the country as of 11:00 a.m. is 12.3%. This is indicated by the first official data of the CEC. The highest activity is in Bolyarovo municipality - 33.94%, and the lowest - in Plovdiv - 7.25%.

CEC spokesperson Rositsa Mateva called on voters to go to the polls and cast their vote calmly. "Let's not look for any problems, but let the election day pass peacefully."

The most serious signals are related to voters' concerns that when ballots are placed on top of each other, voting on one leaves traces or fingerprints on the other. Therefore, the CEC advises voters to place each ballot separately on the table, and not to pile them on top of each other.

The CEC has sent instructions to recognize as valid even the ballots on which there is a print left from one of the ballots, the spokesperson of the commission explained to the media.

Activity is higher in Sofia and Varna, for example in Plovdiv Kardjali is close to four years ago. Traditionally, small municipalities vote more actively, Parvan Simeonov, the executive director of Gallup International Balkan, commented to BNR.



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