The fee for the transit of Russian gas through the territory of Bulgaria comes into force

Energy / Bulgaria
3E news
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The fee for the transit of Russian gas through the territory of Bulgaria comes into force. According to the amendment and supplement to the Law on Control over the Implementation of Restrictive Measures in View of Russia's Actions Destabilizing the Situation in Ukraine, published in the State Gazette, a fee of BGN 20 per 1 MWh will now be paid for the import and transit of Russian gas - about 111 dollars per thousand cubic meters. The fee applies to the import and transit of natural gas in a gaseous state, as well as LNG.

Importers and gas transmission organizations are responsible for paying the fee. The accounting period for energy contributions is the calendar month. The due energy contributions are paid into the income of the state budget on the account of the Customs Agency and are considered to have been paid on the date on which the amount was received on the account of the Customs Agency.

Bulgaria, which was previously completely dependent on Russian supplies, lost this opportunity after refusing to accept payment under the new ruble formula imposed by Russia.



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