After the EWRC inspection: There were no violations of the quality of heating services from "Sofia District Heating" in April

The company applied the heat energy price approved by the regulator to the subscribers' invoices

Energy / Bulgaria
3E news
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In April 2023, there were no violations of the quality of the heating services provided to the subscribers of "Sofia District Heating" EAD. For the relevant period, in the invoices of the users, the company applied the price of thermal energy.

This is shown by the findings in the report accepted by EWRC on the inspection of the company in connection with publications about high bills on the invoices of subscribers for the period 04/01-04/30/2023, the press center of the regulator announced.

Pursuant to its powers under Ordinance No. 3 of March 21, 2013 on licensing activities in the energy sector, the Commission controls the quality of the heating services provided by the companies - compliance with the guaranteed parameters of the supplied heat energy, according to the Heat Supply Quality Indicators, as well as the strict application of the price of thermal energy approved by the Commission for the relevant period.

According to the current regulations, the formation of monthly invoices for heat energy consumers is beyond the Commission's regulatory powers. It is carried out according to the Methodology for share distribution of heat energy, which is part of the Ordinance on heat supply. The regulatory act was issued by the Ministry of Energy, which is the competent authority for monitoring its compliance.

In the conclusions and findings of the report, it is stated that for the month of April 2023, "Sofia District Heating" EAD applied the thermal energy price of BGN 137.86/MWh excluding VAT, confirmed on 07/01/2022 by decision of the Commission. The provided data also show that during the period the guaranteed parameters of the hot water and the heat carrier after the subscriber station were in accordance with the Heat Supply Quality Indicators. A total of 132 short-term interruptions were registered, leading to the cessation of heat supply to certain sections of the network, but none of them lasted more than 48 hours. 284 customer complaints were processed, and in them there is no data on exceeding the legally permissible temperature of the heat carrier after the subscriber station.

The data shows that only 6% of residential customers of "Sofia District Heating" EAD requested a real monthly report of the heat energy consumed and received invoices for the month of April 2023. The remaining 94% of customers receive monthly invoices based on estimated consumption, which is calculated according to the Methodology for share distribution of thermal energy in buildings - condominiums. For the month of April 2022, the supplied thermal energy is 295,116 MWh, at an average monthly air temperature of 10.5 ℃. For comparison, during the same period of 2023, 353,370 MWh of thermal energy was delivered, at an average monthly air temperature of 9.0 ℃. - with 58,254 MWh or nearly 20% more, with a difference in air temperatures of 1.5 ℃. In 2022, the heating was stopped on April 26th, while in 2023 it continued until May 1st. The number of working days determining the monthly amounts due for heating energy at customers was less than the number of working days in April 2023.

Regardless of the fact that the formation of monthly invoices is outside the regulatory powers of EWRC, the analysis of the data indicates that the higher bills for the month of April 2023 are the result of the estimated accruals carried out according to the Methodology for the share distribution of thermal energy, more the low temperature of the outside air and the longer period of heating, compared to April 2022 (number of days with heating). After the report of the funds for share distribution, customers should receive equalization bills, which will reflect the heat energy actually consumed by them.

As a result of the inspection carried out, EWRC imposed a coercive administrative measure by giving "Sofia District Heating" EAD mandatory written orders. By September 30, 2023, the company should check the settings of the automatic regulation system and, if necessary, check all subscriber stations in the heat transmission network. The goal is for them to correspond to the thermal conditions of the building, providing the necessary microclimate for the dwellings and not allowing overspending of thermal energy. In the same period, "Sofia District Heating" EAD must submit to EWRC an approved temperature schedule for the heating season 2023/2024. It should take into account the dynamics of the supply of heat energy and the prevention of hydraulic and temperature shocks along the heat transmission network.

Within 7 days after completion of the specified activities, the Commission must be informed by the company about their implementation.



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