Because of the "Belene" saga: the Prosecutor's Office requested the immunity of a deputy with the initials DD, former Minister of Economy

Energy / Bulgaria
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Source: Sofia City Prosecutor's Office

The Sofia city prosecutor's office proposed to the chief prosecutor to request the immunity of a former minister of the economy and a current deputy with the initials DD. This was announced today by the SCP.

The proposal was prepared by the specialized department in the city prosecutor's office in connection with pre-trial proceedings, in which the representative of the people has the status of a defendant for an alleged crime - willful bankruptcy on a particularly large scale and representing a particularly serious case.

The allegations are that the crime was committed by the national representative in his capacity as Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism. He claims that he did not exercise sufficient control over the work of the executive director and the Board of Directors of "Bulgarian Energy Holding" (BEH) EAD. The company is entrusted with the management and disposal of public property.

The former minister did not organize, coordinate and control the implementation of the state policy in the field of energy to terminate the construction of the Nuclear Power Plant at the "Belene" site and did not control a matter within his competence.

According to the supervising prosecutor, this resulted in significant damages for the company - "National Electric Company" EAD, a subsidiary of "BEH" EAD, in the amount of 4,561,697.27 euros in total.



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