ESO announces its intention to submit its price proposal for the new regulatory period from 07/01/2023 to EWRC within the statutory deadline until 30.06.2024

Photo: BNT
Pursuant to Article 36a of the Energy Act and Ordinance No. 1 of March 14, 2017 on the regulation of electricity prices, ESO EAD announces its intention to submit a price application to the Commission for Energy and Water Regulation for approval of the new prices or about the change in the current prices for the regulatory/price period 07/01/2023 - 06/30/2024, the electricity transmission operator announced.
The price application will be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Energy Law, the Rules for Trading in Electric Energy and the regulation methods approved in the EWRC price decisions.
The proposal will be based on the principles followed by the company, namely: covering the inherent costs of carrying out the licensing activity, as well as reflecting the necessary funds for the development and maintenance of the electricity transmission network during the next price period.
The prices at which the independent transmission operator provides access to and transmission services over the transmission network are a function of:
- The estimated market price of electricity to cover the technological costs associated with transmission.
- The estimated market price for each price period for the relevant group is determined by EWRC, according to Section III of the NRCEE.
- The limit amount of availability costs for reserves for primary, automatic secondary and manual secondary regulation of frequency and exchange capacities.
- EWRC to determine the limit value of availability costs for frequency regulation reserves and exchange capacities;
- Planning and distribution, through tender procedures, of operational reserves between producers, consumers and aggregators.
Final prices for access and transmission services will be approved by the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission and will depend on the imposed market model.