The state is urgently strengthening the treatment plant of the Yasna Polyana dam in order to have a tourist season on the Southern Black Sea coast

MRRB and the mayors with an action plan to save the summer season due to the serious accident of the water treatment facility

Industry / Bulgaria
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Source: MRRB

Urgent actions have been taken to start the emergency strengthening of the drinking water treatment plant of the "Yasna Polyana" dam, which supplies water to the settlements south of Burgas. An on-site inspection by "Bulgarian Water and Sewer Holding" EAD showed that the station is in an extremely serious state of emergency. This was announced by the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works Arch. Ivan Shishkov at a working meeting in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. It was attended by Deputy Minister Nikolay Shushkov, the regional governor of Burgas Prof. Maria Neikova, the people's representatives from the Burgas region Zhecho Stankov, Petar Kanev, arch. Violeta Komitova, Andrey Runchev, Bogomil Petkov, Boris Daladzhov, Dimitar Naydenov, Esheref Esheref, Konstantin Bachiyski, as well as Tihomir Yanakiev - Mayor of Sozopol Municipality, Ivan Petkov - Mayor of Sredets Municipality, Vasil Edrev - Mayor of Aytos Municipality, Marin Dimov - Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Tsarevo, Petko Gechev - Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Primorsko, Irena Georgieva - Executive Director of "Bulgarian Water and Sewer Holding" EAD, Engineer Desislava Paunova - Member of the Board of the Road Infrastructure Agency, Water and Sewerage Management – Burgas and others. This was announced by the MRRB today.

Minister Shishkov informed that by the end of the week, an analysis will be made of how much funds are needed to urgently strengthen the damaged facilities at the station, in order to be able to apply for them to the Council of Ministers. The necessary technical assignment for repair is also being prepared. Immediately after that, the documents will be provided to the regional governor of Burgas, who will carry out the procedures according to the choice of the contractor for the repairs, taking into account the emergency and emergency situation, through direct incineration. Arch. Shishkov specified that the amount will probably be around BGN 15 million, which, in addition to strengthening, will also be used for the construction of a duplicate line that will supply water while the repair works are in progress. The strengthening of the damaged pools will take about two months, and the overall repair works will be completed by the beginning of the active summer tourist season - around June 15 this year. According to the regional minister, work will be done in parallel with this to build a brand new treatment plant, as the existing one is highly depreciated and nearing the end of its useful life. Eliminating the problem will be the most priority issue in the coming months, he was categorical. The station has been in a bad condition for years and Minister Shishkov asked for an explanation from the management of Water and Sewerage - Burgas why it was allowed to reach the current critical situation.

At the meeting, it became clear that Sozopol can also receive water from the "Kamchia" derivation, but all other settlements in the south rely on water from the "Yasna Polyana" dam. By strengthening the treatment plant, we will save the summer tourist season and residents should be calm. We are starting immediately, and time will be our main criterion for solving the problem, stressed Arch. Shishkov.

During the meeting, the question of the situation surrounding the "Poroy" and "Aheloy" dams, which were supposed to be used for alternative water supply to Burgas and the region, was also raised. Minister Shishkov reminded that the two sites were given money from the budget in advance, without project documentation and without an analysis of whether the water is used for drinking water supply. Partial repairs of the walls have been carried out, pipes have been delivered that are standing in the field, but there is no project readiness, only money has been given, which is a hasty decision, commented the regional minister. He specified that there are no approved detailed development plans and construction permits for the sites that are required, and there are no treatment plants to be used for water supply.

The state takes the initiative to build the Aytos ring road

The topic of the construction of a ring road in the town of Aytos was again raised at the working meeting. It turned out that for more than a year the municipality has not started the necessary activities to amend the General Development Plan, in which the construction of a ring road will be laid down. The administration also left unanswered a letter to the API on the subject dated 29.03.2022. Minister Shishkov emphasized that the local authority should submit proposals to the Municipal Council with a request for a partial amendment of the plan for the parts in which the municipality considers that progress is possible on the route, after which to make an assignment for the possible construction, on the basis of which to prepare a conceptual project and a detailed layout plan. The Minister ordered that the Ministry of Land and Infrastructure Development and the API provide full assistance to the municipality in the design and launch of the project. "I am convinced that the state will help financially for the construction, but the local authority must take the first step and change the General Development Plan, indicating the possible terrains for construction. The state cannot simply enter on its territory and start designing and building," explained the steps arch. Shishkov. According to him, with good coordination and mobilization of the municipal and state institutions, the road can be a fact within 2 years. There is also an option for financing the route under a European project, which includes a partnership between the municipality and API. At the meeting, the regional governor of Burgas - Prof. Maria Neiova, was committed to initiate a change in the OUP of Aytos, as well as to manage and implement coordination between the institutions.



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