A new increase in prices on energy exchanges in Western Europe, a slight decline is observed in the Balkans

Romania's OPCOM closed at EUR 392.39/MWh and Greece's HENEX was at EUR 318.75/MWh for base energy

Energy / Bulgaria
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Source: pxfuel.com

The Romanian energy exchange OPCOM closed the Day Ahead segment at a price of EUR 392.39/MWh for base energy. This is indicated by the data of the exchange for December 13, 2022. The price for peak energy is 506.44 EUR/MWh, and off-peak energy is 278.34 EUR/MWh. The highest price of 665.01 euros/MWh will be at 6 p.m. The lowest price will be at 4 p.m. It will be 73.38 euros/MWh. The traded volumes at the base energy are 72,274.8 MWh.

On the Greek energy exchange HENEX, the average price for basic energy on December 13 will be EUR 318.75/MWh. The total traded volume of electricity was 130.91 GWh. The maximum price will be 600.10 euros/MWh and it will be at 6 p.m. The minimum price will be at 2 p.m. it will be 19.49 euros/MWh.

On the Hungarian energy exchange HUPX, the base energy price for December 13 is 437.50 EUR/MWh. Peak energy is traded for 557.50 euros/MWh. The highest price of 665.01 euros/MWh will be at 6 p.m. The lowest price will be at 3 a.m. and it will be 199.03 euros/MWh. The traded volumes will be 61,699.0 MWh.

The base price of electricity for December 13 on the Slovak Energy Exchange is EUR 439.43/MWh. The highest price will be at 6 p.m. and it will be 665.01 euros/MWh. The lowest price will be at 3 p.m. and it will be 222.79 euros/MWh.

The base price of electricity on the Czech Energy Exchange is EUR 441.86/MWh. The highest price will be at 6 p.m. and it will be 665.01 euros/MWh. The lowest price will be at 4 p.m. and it will be 249.03 euros/MWh.

On the Austrian Energy Exchange, the base energy price for December 13 is 447.33 EUR/MWh. The peak price will reach EUR 555.06/MWh. The traded volume at the base energy is 65,584.4 MWh. The highest price is expected to be at 6 p.m. and it will reach EUR 665.01/MWh. The lowest price will be at 4 p.m. and it will be 270.97 euros/MWh.

On the German Energy Exchange, the base energy price was 444.48 euros/MWh on December 13. The peak price will be EUR 552.80/MWh. The traded volumes at the base energy are 421,651.6 MWh. The highest price is expected to be at 6 p.m. and it will reach EUR 665.01/MWh. The lowest price will be at 4 p.m. and it will be 276.98 euros/MWh.

On the Italian energy market, Day Ahead segment electricity for December 13 will sell for €422.84/MWh for base energy.



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