Deputy Minister Savov: over 40 Bulgarian projects received 7 million euros under the program of the European Space Agency

From next year, free trainings will be held in Bulgaria by ESA, assured Savov

Industry / Bulgaria
3E news
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More than 40 Bulgarian space projects under the program of the European Space Agency (ESA) received more than 7 million euros. This is for the period since the signing of the first agreement with ESA for a European Cooperating Country in 2015. In total, seven tender procedures were held, in which 127 Bulgarian project proposals were received. This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Innovation and Growth, Stefan Savov, at the opening of the Third National Forum for Modern Space Research in Sofia Tech Park.

Savov stated that thanks to Bulgarian participation in the procedures, our scientists have developed an instrument for measuring radiation in orbit around Mars, which is part of an international satellite. The space greenhouse is also a Bulgarian development, which will recreate the specific environmental conditions for growing plants in space conditions. Among the approved projects are those that provide solutions regarding the quality of atmospheric air in an urban environment; radar data; models for the development of microbial waste degradation; monitoring of agricultural areas and dams, etc.

"This year, Bulgaria signed a new Agreement with ESA. Under the eighth tender procedure, projects were accepted until September 22 of this year. Currently, 11 new project proposals from Bulgaria are being evaluated, and the results will become clear next month," added the deputy minister.

"I call on Bulgarian business to be more active in applying for space programs," he added.

Savov emphasized that successful cooperation with ESA is particularly valuable for our country, with whose representatives he held meetings in Sofia on two consecutive days. After the working meetings, it became clear that next year there will be free training courses in our country. They will be held by ESA with the aim of increasing the interest in the program on the part of Bulgarian companies. "I call on native businesses to be more active and apply for funding," he added.

In conclusion, he stated that space technologies are the technologies of the future. According to him, they are a source of innovations that quickly spread to other sectors of the economy and create new jobs.



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