Andrei Gyurov withdraws his candidacy for BNB Governor

Industry / Bulgaria
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Source: BTA, archive

Andrei Gyurov will withdraw his candidacy for BNB governor on Monday, he said in a Facebook post. The candidate for governor of the Central Bank wrote: "After the actual split of the ruling coalition over the election of the BNB governor, it became clear that there is currently no broad parliamentary majority to support this election. As chairman of the parliamentary group of "Continuing Change", I have always put the public interest first, and it currently requires responsible and state thinking and action.

"In the absence of coalition support, let my opponent decide for himself whether he wants to leave this important and responsible choice in the hands of the opposition. This, in the end, is an ethical choice, part of the requirement for the head of the BNB for high morals and good name, "said Gyurov.

At the beginning of his post, Gyurov stated that this is not just a post, but an extremely important and responsible position, on which the possibility of achieving real change in the country depends. "This will happen only if the Central Bank truly enters into its role of regulator and clears our financial system of accumulated corrupt capital, which will otherwise continue to play a destructive role in shaping major social and economic processes in our country," said Gurov.



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