Bulgaria expects to receive in a few months its Roadmap for joining the Union of the Rich - OECD

The Prime Minister Kiril Petkov met with the OECD Secretary General Matthias Corman

Industry / Bulgaria
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Bulgaria expects to receive its Roadmap for Accession to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in order to start active work on it, said Prime Minister Kiril Petkov during his meeting in Delphi with the Secretary General of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Matthias Corman.

The Prime Minister expressed hope that there will be positive progress on the issue in the next few months. Petkov pointed out that Bulgaria highly appreciates the OECD's decision in January to start accession talks with our country and especially thanked Matthias Corman for his active and consistent position in favor of this decision.

The Prime Minister invited the Secretary General of the OECD to visit Bulgaria soon and to discuss in more detail the next steps that our country has to take on its path to membership in the organization.

Prime Minister Petkov pointed out that the deepening of Bulgaria's cooperation with the OECD is essential for the implementation of a number of key reforms in our country, as well as for strengthening the regional and global scope of the organization itself. The Prime Minister pointed out that our country shares the values ​​of the OECD and supports their promotion, and at the moment it is more important than ever to have a community of countries united by such shared values.



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