CEZ In Bulgaria will change its name to Electrohold
The electricity distribution operator will be named ElectroDistribution Grids West

CEZ Bulgaria will change its name to Electrohold as of the end of April 2022. The electricity distribution operator in Western Bulgaria - CEZ Distribution, will be named ElectroDistribution Grids West AD (EDG West AD), announced by Eurohold Bulgaria.
In addition to renaming, the companies in the group will present a new corporate identity and branding.
Electrohold Bulgaria EOOD will be successor of CEZ Bulgaria EOOD, Electrohold Sales AD - of CEZ Electro Bulgaria AD, Electrohold Trade EAD will be the new name of CEZ Trade Bulgaria EAD, the provider of ICT services CEZ ICT Bulgaria will be renamed to Electrohold ICT EAD.
According to the regulatory requirements the shareholders of the two companies - CEZ Distribution Bulgaria AD and CEZ Electro Bulgaria AD, will vote on the new names and logos at general meetings at the end of April. The rebranding of the companies will start after the approval of the shareholders.
The rebranding is another step in the implementation of the strategy of Еurohold Bulgaria AD after the acquisition of seven companies of the Czech CEZ Group in Bulgaria in July 2021.
The new identity reflects the succession in the companies’ history, while emphasizing their corporate affiliation. It is designed in accordance with the modern understanding of a dynamic company that provides energy, digitalizes its grid, invests sustainably and works to improve the quality of life. The branding reflects the core values of Electrohold's companies - professionalism, responsibility, efficiency, stability, trust and innovation.
The new image of the companies in the group will be based not only on changes in the corporate visual style, but also in more intensive work to increase customers’ satisfaction and build trust, expanding of e-services, modernization and digitalization of the grid, innovation strategy in accordance with changes in the sector, sustainable development and investments.
Changing names and logos does not require customers to take any additional actions.