Police, customs and tax inspectors checked gas stations

Energy / Bulgaria
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An action of the General Directorate of the National Police (GDNP), together with the Customs Agency, the National Revenue Agency (NRA) and the State Agency for Metrology and Technical Supervision (SAMTS) was carried out on Wednesday in Sofia and the district, the Revenue Agency announced.

The inspections were aimed at neutralizing the distribution of substandard petroleum products in the commercial network, as well as violations of customs and tax legislation in the sale of fuels at gas stations.

Teams checked the origin and quality of liquid fuels, the serviceability of cash registers and measuring devices, their real-time connection to the revenue authorities, compliance with the permit regimes concerning the sale of petroleum products, as well as the commercial activity of the inspected sites.

As a result of the performed inspections, specific prescriptions were issued, related to the activity of the sites, acts for committed administrative violations were drawn up - lack of seals on the measuring devices and respective requisites on the technical means, functioning in the commercial sites.

A chemical analysis of the samples taken from the distributed fuel for compliance with the quality requirements for liquid fuels is to be prepared. For deviation from the envisaged norms, the imposed fine may reach up to BGN 50,000.

GDNP continues to work on the case, systematic similar inspections are planned.



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