Eurostat: Bulgaria used 35.5 percent of RES for heating and cooling in 2019

In the EU, the average share of renewable energy used in transport has increased from 1.6 percent in 2004 to 8.9 percent in 2019, according to Eurostat.
Among the 27 member states, the share of renewable energy in transport fuel consumption varies from 30.3 percent in Sweden, 21.3 percent in Finland and 12.5 percent in the Netherlands to 4 percent in Greece and Lithuania and 3.3 percent. in Cyprus.
In Bulgaria, the share is slightly below the EU average, which ranks it 13th in the use of renewable energy for transport purposes. In 2019, the highest growth of the indicator is observed in Finland (+3.6 percentage points), Croatia (+3.3 percentage points), the Netherlands (+2.9 percentage points) and Slovenia (+2.5 percentage points). ).
The EU has agreed to set an overall target of 10 percent for the share of renewable energy sources (including liquid biofuels, hydrogen, biomethane, "green" electricity, etc.) used in transport by 2020, reminds Eurostat.
In 2019, renewable energy accounts for 22.1 percent of the total electricity used for heating and cooling in the EU, according to today's Eurostat data, quoted by BTA. The share of renewable energy for heating and cooling (households, industrial processes, hospitals, schools, etc.) has almost doubled - from 11.7 percent in 2004 to 22.1 percent in 2019. By country: more than half of renewable energy is used for these purposes in Sweden (66.1 percent), Latvia (57.8 percent), Finland (57.5 percent) and Estonia (52.3 percent).
Bulgaria ranks 9th with 35.5 percent of renewables used for heating and cooling. At the bottom of the table with the share of energy from renewable sources in heating and cooling below 10 percent are Ireland (6.3 percent), the Netherlands (7.1 percent), Belgium (8.3 percent) and Luxembourg (8.7 percent) .
By comparison, non-member Iceland uses nearly 80 percent of its renewable energy for heating and cooling.
The highest growth was reported in Slovakia (from 10.6 to 19.7 percent), Finland (from 54.6 to 57.5 percent) and Denmark (from 45.5 to 48 percent). Overall, the share of renewable energy in the EU has more than doubled between 2004 and 2019. Wind and water provide the most of this electricity, and solar energy is the fastest growing energy source.