Bulgarian PM Borissov: Our gas transmission system has been modernized. We will be able to transport gas in all directions

Energy / Bulgaria
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Our gas transmission system is modernized and reversible, with the best compressors, so we can transport gas in all directions. We have made an investment in compressors for BGN 360 million, thus not only diversifying, but also enabling Bulgarian businesses and consumers to be supplied with gas and transported at the lowest price. This was stated by the Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, who inspected the currently under construction compressor station "Rasovo" (CS Rasovo). Together with the other compressor station - Nova Provadia, the two compressor stations will serve to increase the pressure along the route of the Balkan Stream gas pipeline.

The three compressor units manufactured by the American company Solar Turbines have already been installed at the Rasovo CS. Another four pieces of the same type of compressor units of the latest generation are planned to be installed at CS "Nova Provadia". The units will be equipped with low-emission combustion chambers and will meet all the requirements of environmental legislation.

At present, the construction and installation works on the future site of CS "Rasovo" continue to be performed, and they are expected to be completed in December. In addition to the three gas turbine compressor units, an administrative building, production and service buildings will also be located on the site. The total value of the contract for design, supply and construction of the two compressor stations amounts to nearly 180 million euros.

The compressor stations are key for the implementation of the project "Expansion of the gas transmission infrastructure from the Bulgarian-Turkish border to the Bulgarian-Serbian border". The linear phase of the project is also in an advanced construction phase. In itself, it is a real engineering challenge given the difficult geology of places and the route, which crosses many natural obstacles such as rivers, canals, ravines, roads, railways. lines and other technical infrastructure. The implementation of the project did not stop even during the state of emergency due to the pandemic of COVID-19, working in compliance with anti-epidemic measures. In addition, serious efforts are being made to preserve the cultural heritage, as large-scale archeological campaigns do not allow the destruction of archeological values ​​during the construction of the gas pipeline. In the current and last year, a total of 87 sites along the route of "Balkan Stream" have been studied, and the most important results are from the excavations near the villages of Vladinya and Letnitsa. The most interesting finds from the Balkan Stream excavations are expected to be presented at a large exhibition at the National Archaeological Institute with a museum of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The total amount of the expenses for archeological excavations amounts to over BGN 18 million.

Both the gas pipeline and its facilities, after their commissioning, will be part of the gas transmission system of the Republic of Bulgaria. The implementation of the project is essential for the establishment of our country as a leading trade distribution center in the region and the European Union as a whole.

The construction of Balkan Stream aims to increase the security of natural gas supplies from various sources, increase competition and transparency in the natural gas market, which in turn will have a positive effect on natural gas consumers. As a key project for market integration, Balkan Stream will contribute to guaranteeing the supply of natural gas for the country and the region, while contributing to the creation of real conditions for diversification of sources and routes and the possibility of transporting additional quantities of natural gas to and through Bulgaria.

 Only 5 months ago, to get acquainted with the progress in building the expansion of the gas transmission infrastructure from the Turkish-Bulgarian to the Bulgarian-Serbian border, Serbian President Alexander Vucic visited Bulgaria at the invitation of Prime Minister Boyko Borissov. The two leaders inspected the expansion of the Bulgarian gas pipeline in the Letnitsa area by helicopter, then visited Veliko Tarnovo.



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