The balance (export - import) of electricity for the period January 1 - October 25 is minus 38.29 percent

Energy / Bulgaria
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Electricity production and consumption remains negative despite slight improvements. The negative trend regarding the participation of base plants remains. At the same time, the share of renewable energy sources (RES) in the transmission and distribution networks is growing. The data on the participation of hydroelectric power plants (HPPs) are also improving. This is clear from the operational data of the Electricity System Operator (ESO) for the energy balance of the country for the period from January 1 to October 25, 2020, compared to the same period of 2019.

The production of electricity from the beginning of the current 2020 to October 25 is in the amount of 32,555,472 MWh. For the same period last year it amounted to 35,546,484 MWh. The decline is (minus) 8.41% (minus 8.43% a week ago).

Electricity consumption for the period from January 1 to October 25 decreased (minus) by 3.77% (minus 3.91 percent a week ago). For example, if for the compared period of 2019 the electricity consumption was in the volume of 30 762 918 MWh, then in the current 2020 it shrinks to 29 603 638 MWh.

The balance (export-import) remains negative for another reporting period. According to the data of the system operator, for the compared period from January 1 to October 25 of the current 2020 it is in the volume of 2,951,834 MWh. During the same period of the previous 2019, the balance (export-import) amounted to 4,783,566 MWh. The decline is of the order of (minus) 38.29% (minus 37.34% a week ago).

The negative trend for the participation of the base plants is valid for the whole period 1 January-25 October. For example, from January 1 to October 25, 2019, the base plants participated with a volume of 30,164,214 MWh. For the same period of the current 2020 their participation decreases to 26,957,068 MWh. This is a decrease (minus) by 10.63 percent (minus 10.58% a week ago, minus 10.47 percent two weeks ago).

On the other hand, the positive dynamics in terms of the share of renewable energy sources (RES) is maintained.

The share of RES in the transmission network for the compared period from January 1 to October 25 of the current 2020 is growing by a significant (plus) 13.18% (reported plus 12.76 percent a week ago and plus 11.75 percent two weeks ago). If during the compared period from the beginning of January to the 25th of October last year the share of RES in the transmission network was in the amount of 978 753 MWh, then for the same period of the current 2020 it reaches 1 107 745 MWh. In particular, this is due to both the positive share of wind (plus 18.71%) and photovoltaic capacity (plus 8.45%) and biomass (plus 2.88%).

The positive trend for the participation of RES in the distribution network is also preserved. For the compared period from January 1 to October 25 of the current 2020 the share of RES in the distribution network increased by (plus) 7.41% and reached a volume of 1,666,674 MWh (plus 7.12% a week ago). A year earlier for the same period the share of RES in the distribution network was of the order of 1,551,735 MWh. The increase in particular is due to both the positive share of wind (plus 17.24%) and photovoltaic (plus 3.28%) capacity and biomass (plus 0.78%).

Again, there are better data on the participation of hydropower plants (HPPs) and it is already approaching that of the previous 2019. For comparison, for the period from the first day of January to the twenty-fifth day of October last year, the participation of The HPP amounted to 2,851,782 MWh. For the same period of the current 2020 hydropower plants participate with 2,823,985 MWh, according to the data of the system operator. The decrease (minus) was 0.97% (minus 1.57 percent reported a week ago and minus 2.13% two weeks ago).



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