TPP AES Galabovo produced 40 percent more electricity in September 2020 on annual base
For the first nine months of this year, the most modern coal-fired power plant in Bulgaria produced nearly 2 million MWh electricity

TPP AES Galabovo produced 40% more electricity in September 2020 compared to the same month in 2019. The most modern coal-fired power plant in Bulgaria has generated nearly 190,000 MWh electricity in September this year compared to 136,000 MWh a year earlier, according to analysis of the production results of TPP AES Galabovo.
In total for the nine months of 2020 - from January to September, TPP AES Galabovo has produced nearly 2 million MWh electricity. The amount of electricity produced by the most environmentally friendly coal-fired power plant in Bulgaria for the first nine months of 2020 represents 7% of the total electricity consumption in the country, which confirms the key role of AES Galabovo TPP for the Bulgarian energy system.
A plan with strict measures is being implemented on the site of TPP AES Galabovo in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and protect the life and health of the employees of the plant and the partners the plant works with. Thanks to the measures taken, the power plant has been operating without interruption since the beginning of the state of emergency due to the coronavirus pandemic in Bulgaria until today and thus continues to ensure energy security for the country.