Increased liquidity and new low prices achieved on the platform of Balkan Gas Hub EAD

Energy / Bulgaria
3E news
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Dear partners,

We would like to inform you that as of 16:00 today, on the anonymous long-term segment on the Balkan Gas Hub EAD trading platform an offer has been made with a delivery period June 2020 with a price 18.80 BGN/MWh or 14 % less than the estimated regulatory price for June 2020. The platform is open for monthly product “June 2020” transactions until the last business day of the current month which could also lead to a real transaction for the volumes offered at the respective price.

It should be noted that the proposed offer with a price of 18.80 BGN /MWh includes costs for access and transmission to a virtual trading point which makes the price even more competitive.

In addition to the above, as of 16.00 today, natural gas of 1470 MWh at an average price of BGN 20.71 per MWh was traded in the segment "within-day", and clients of “Balkan Gas Hub” EAD platforms made a deal with a delivery period "weekend 16/17.05” in a total volume of 2600 MWh at a price of BGN 20.65.




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