Expensive electricity has brought more financial problems for a number of water companies in the country

Industry / Bulgaria
3E news
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After electricity and water prices fly. Plumbing companies across the country are facing bankruptcy. The high price of electricity will undoubtedly raise that of water as well. But it depends on whether the water is pumped with electricity or gravity helps to achieve pressure in the pipes. In different parts of Bulgaria and the increase is different, according to a report by bTV. The electricity bill of the water supply and sewerage companies has jumped a lot - one of the examples is in Burgas, where from BGN 722,000 electricity bill last year the bill for August this year to BGN 1,600,000. This makes a 123% increase in the price of water in water supply and sewerage - Burgas.

In Water and Sewerage -Vidin there is a 79% increase in the price of water per year.

The companies in Plovdiv report a 110% increase in water consumption.

Water and Sewerage - Blagoevgrad - 118 jump in the price of water.

Various representatives of companies in the country explained that water could not cover their costs and were operating at a loss, fearing bankruptcy.

A plumbing company just can't raise the price of water, it has to go through the state regulator to approve the price of water. Plumbing bosses want it up. On average, calculations show that electricity is 40% of water consumption in water companies.



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