The Energy and Water Regulatory Commission is ready with the draft of the changed methodology for the price of TED

The Energy and Water Regulatory Commission has published the draft revised Methodology for determining the electricity prices of the supplier of last resort (TED). As explained earlier, the change is part of measures to ease electricity prices for small companies that have not chosen an electricity supplier and have remained on TED. However, the methodology is changed only for a certain period of time - three months, from November 1, 2021 to January 1, 2022.
During this period, all small companies that, after changing the energy law and entered the free market, are expected to enter into contracts with traders and choose an electricity supplier, so as not to remain on TED, where the price is significantly higher.
In particular, the change concerns the reduction of the component for the activity "supply of electricity from TED" for the period in which the methodology will apply. The proposal is for the price to be 5 percent, but not more than BGN 10 / MWh.
"As a result of the practice accumulated in recent months on the application of the Methodology, inaccuracies and ambiguities have been identified in the act, which require clarification of certain provisions in order to properly implement them by suppliers of last resort (TED). Also, during the period of application of the act there is a significant and lasting increase in electricity prices on the free electricity market, respectively the average selling price of electricity intended for sale to customers from TED.
The above, and the still large number of non-domestic customers without a selected electricity supplier lead to the need for temporary introduction of a new formula for the formation of the average selling price of electricity intended for sale to customers from TED ", explain the authors of the draft of this Methodology. .
The changes stipulate that TED prepares and submits to the market administration system an aggregate schedule for the clients, indirect members of the special balancing group.
The direct members of the special balancing group with the DPI coordinator prepare and submit independently a daily hourly schedule for their consumption. When these members do not submit schedules, TED prepares and submits them on their behalf, the draft reads.
It was specified that the price of TED is formed by the average selling price of electricity, in BGN / MWh; Market price day ahead - price of electricity on the market Day ahead for the respective hour, in BGN / MWh; Balancing market shortage price - balancing market shortage price for the respective hour, in BGN / MWh; The component for the activity "supply of electricity from TED", in percentages.
The changes envisage the component for the activity "supply of electricity from TED" for the period in which the methodology will apply, the price to be in the amount of 5 percent, but not more than BGN 10 / MWh.