Expert: The idea of capturing CO2 in the Maritsa East complex is wonderful, but the technology is not developed

The transition to the decarbonisation of Europe goes through natural gas, and subsequently to hydrogen

Energy / Bulgaria
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The optimal scenario for mining and energy is a smooth transition from a coal to a carbon-free economy in the longer term. This was shared by Valentin Kanev, chairman of the Balkan Black Sea Oil and Gas Association to Bloomberg TV Bulgaria.

According to the expert, the lignite coal of the Maritsa Basin in particular produces a huge amount of carbon emissions and can no longer be used. That is why the EU is moving towards a transition to a low-carbon economy through the use of gas turbine power plants. The transition itself will take place through gas, and at a later stage through hydrogen. There are 300 projects in the European Union exploring the possibilities and applied practices of how the use of hydrogen affects the energy sector. Some of the plans are already in a completed phase.

Hydrogen projects are related to the percentage of hydrogen that can be mixed with natural gas. In the beginning it could be up to 5% hydrogen, but now there is talk of 10%, 15% and even 20% mix with hydrogen. There are projects that are further back in their development, and others are in perspective. In the future, hydrogen production will be on a larger scale and its use will be in the home. Hydrogen will be separated from the gas and will be able to be transported in smaller quantities. But fossil fuels will continue to be used until 2050. The guest shares that all this is applicable from a purely technical point of view.

We remind you that the current Minister of Finance Asen Vassilev recently explained that the construction of a steam and gas plant in our country is not an acceptable option, because if the price of electricity is gasified, it will not be set by Bulgaria, but will depend on the international price of natural gas. Valentin Kanev believes that we cannot be energy independent as long as we are connected to the European energy system and markets.

"Whether by gas or otherwise - this is inevitable. Energy independence is due to the diversification of supply sources. " Kanev clarified that even when relying on one, albeit local, source, this puts some dependence on the future energy development of the country. According to him, the idea of ​​capturing and using carbon emissions in the chemical industries in the Maritsa Basin is a wonderful opportunity, but the technology has yet to develop.

"Bulgaria is not ready to start this process immediately. Appropriate geological structures must be found and such infrastructure built. "

Similar projects are being developed in the UK, the Netherlands and the process is smooth, but is already moving into real implementation.

“The procedure is complex and difficult to implement and includes capture, transportation by tanker, pipeline and storage in gas-emptied structures. It is no coincidence that oil companies are able to develop such projects. "

The guest is adamant that the state and private companies must have the same opinion, concept and vision for the development of a low-carbon economy regarding the future of the Maritsa Basin.



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