Atanas Pekanov: The planned rooftop solar power plants will lead to a reduction in household bills

Industry / Bulgaria
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"The final result for the economy and the Bulgarian citizens from the Recovery Plan should be even higher than the BGN 12.6 billion set for Bulgaria, as these investments come both for recovery and for sustainability and increasing the potential of the economy through investments in skills, digitalization, infrastructure and in the long run higher growth, respectively greater prosperity. I hope that the funds will be used in this way to set our country on a new trajectory, "Atanas Pekanov told Nova TV.

Renovation of classrooms in schools, air emergency medical care system, regional stroke treatment centers, renewable energy capacities on the roofs of houses, important and long-delayed reforms in the social sphere - these are a small part of the mechanisms for better development of the Bulgarian economy and society, set out in the Recovery and Sustainability Plan, revised by the caretaker government and Deputy Prime Minister for European Funds Management Atanas Pekanov.

 He pointed out that the Plan envisages renovation of classrooms in schools and training of teachers and students with specific skills to help unlock the full potential of future generations. Regarding the project for the purchase of 7 medical helicopters, Pekanov said that this should have happened a long time ago, because it is literally about saving lives. The Deputy Prime Minister drew attention to the project for renewable energy capacities on the roofs of houses, which will lead to a reduction in bills and more disposable income in households. The project for stroke treatment centers is also being developed, and it is already planned to build 7 centers so as to ensure a quick response in critical situations.

A reform has been set in the social sphere, which is very important and addresses long-standing criticism of Bulgaria by the European Commission, related to the very low amount of the guaranteed minimum income, which has not been indexed for a long time. The Deputy Prime Minister thanked the team of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy for this reform, as well as for the steps taken to update pensions so as to help people below the poverty line. "For many years, not enough has been done in the social sphere to ensure a more dignified life for Bulgarian pensioners."

Atanas Pekanov commented that he had worked excellently with some ministries and institutions and was very grateful for the work they had done, but unfortunately in other areas the project and expert readiness was not up to standard. "Unfortunately, in some areas over the years, the expert potential has been scrapped," Pekanov said. For example, a major project to renovate irrigation systems was set, but in the context of communication with the European Commission services in the last year, this project was not adequately protected by expert judgment and did not meet the requirements of Brussels.

Regarding the money for Sofia, Pekanov once again commented that this is not a personal dispute with Yordanka Fandakova, but his expert economic opinion, as well as the official regulations set in the Mechanism for Recovery and Sustainability, which emphasize the need for regional and social cohesion.

As for the deadlines and sending the Plan for approval, Pekanov commented that many of the projects are ready to start immediately and it is good that this will happen soon, but on the other hand it is important to have continuity and the next regular government to be ready to implements the projects and especially the reforms on which the funds depend. "If we promise something that the next government will not have a consensus to fulfill, we will lose money," he warned, reassuring that he was ready to meet in any format with the new National Assembly and various parliamentary groups to present a revised version of the Plan and to seek consent.

The main open issues are related to the rule of law and the future of coal-fired power plants, and both topics require important political decisions to be taken by democratically elected MPs, Atanas Pekanov said. Another important decision is what the exact balance should be between the business grant and the loans they will be able to receive from the economic transformation program set out in the Plan. The balance is needed to ensure that the program will help businesses recover quickly and invest, and that the grant can boost the economy more effectively in the short term, the deputy prime minister said.



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