The Council of Ministers adopted the National Waste Management Plan until 2028

The government has finally adopted a National Waste Management Plan (NWMP) for the period 2021-2028, the adoption of which has been delayed due to a lack of financial justification. The document is a plan for the transition from waste management to their efficient use as a resource and sustainable development by preventing their generation. The plan will help central and local authorities to concentrate limited resources on priority projects in the field of waste management from national and European sources of funding.
The general strategic goal of the country is to improve the application of the hierarchy in waste management from society and business. This is envisaged to be done by: reducing the harmful effects of waste by preventing its generation and encouraging its reuse; increasing the quantities of recycled and recovered waste; reducing the quantities and the risk of landfilled municipal waste. Before it was ready, there was serious criticism from NGOs of the plan's ambitions.
In the text of the NWMP 2021-2028 proposed for public discussion, no proposals can be found for overcoming the negative assessments of our national legislative base for achieving the goals and tasks arising from the ambitious EU strategies for the introduction of circular economies. There are no real policies for decentralized recovery of the generated waste to achieve the zero waste goals of the European Green Pact, experts say.
The municipal waste fee according to the quantity will be introduced from 2022, provided by the National Waste Management Plan 2021-2028 with the argument that there is a lack of information security and capacity of the municipalities. The question is to what extent this is another strategic document that will remain only on paper.