Yasen Katsarov, Toplofikacia Pernik: Everyone in the EU thinks that straw is many times more environmentally friendly than coal

In recent years, Toplofikacia Pernik has demonstrated a desire for change through several new projects, the implementation of which will redefine the future of the TPP, the mine and many companies. Some time ago they wanted to burn waste and produce energy, but due to public pressure they gave up.
Last year, they announced that they had invested in cogenerators that would allow them to produce electricity only from natural gas. According to them, the approach is more environmentally friendly than coal. The plans of Toplofikacia Pernik include the use of only natural gas during the summer months, which is one of the steps towards a significant reduction in the use of coal.
Recently, Toplofikacia Pernik announced publicly its most up-to-date investment intention, which is currently being considered by the competent institutions. They plan to gradually replace up to 70% of coal with biomass.
"Biomass is straw from wheat, barley, corn. Biomass is also rice flakes, remnants of logging, "said CEO Yasen Katsarov.
The director explained that the biomass will improve the impact on the environment and comply with European regulations, mentioning that the cleaning of flue gases will be carried out with electrostatic precipitators and aqueous solutions of calcium hydroxide (slaked lime). Also, at high temperatures in the furnace chamber (about 1400 degrees) complete combustion will be ensured without the presence of organic compounds in the flue gases.
"Everyone in Europe thinks that straw is many times greener than coal. Only in Bulgaria unfounded doubts arise, which is strange to me. It has been proven that the combustion of 1000 kg of biomass emits heat energy comparable to the combustion of 1800 kg of coal. Isn't it enough to convince you that biomass is ecological? ”Said Katsarov.
The director of Toplofikacia Pernik pointed out that biomass contains 4 times less nitrogen, 16 times less sulfur and generates 13 times less ash compared to coal.
"Look, no matter how much they tarnish Pernik District Heating, the truth is that if we did not provide heating to nearly 20,000 households, they would be heated with wood stoves or other less environmentally friendly sources. Wood stoves do not have any treatment facilities, they burn all kinds of fuels and waste and the more people are heated in this way, the worse for the ecological situation in the region.
Central heating leads to a significant reduction of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere compared to emissions from domestic heating.
Our future is to follow an innovative environmental strategy! ”Said Katsarov.