CEZ companies submitted their price proposals to the EWRC

The aim is to ensure the security of the network, the elimination of cross-subsidization and equalization of tariffs is set

Energy / Bulgaria
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CEZ Distribution Bulgaria AD and CEZ Electro Bulgaria AD have fulfilled their regulatory obligations to submit to the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC) their price applications, which reflect the proposals of the companies to change the prices of electricity distribution and supply services. The decision on the final electricity prices, which will come into force on July 1, 2021, is taken by the EWRC, after taking into account the submitted price applications of all participants in the electricity system.

The price proposal of CEZ Distribution is based on the real costs for the implementation of the licensing activity in order to maintain the high quality of the electricity distribution, as well as the modernization and digitalization of the network. Although the price for network services depends on the quality and security of electricity supply, currently these prices in Bulgaria are among the lowest in Europe - more than twice lower than the EU average and give our country 35th place on the continent. , followed only by Macedonia, Malta and Georgia. If the real needs for innovation and renewal of the network are not taken into account, the transition to digital energy and meeting the growing demands of customers will be unthinkable.

If CEZ Distribution's proposal is accepted, its share in the final price of electricity will increase by significantly less than a penny per kilowatt-hour, namely by 0.37 stotinki per kWh. This means that with an average household consumption of 270 kWh per month, the increase in the amount paid for network services will be 99 cents.

The changes in the prices for electricity supply requested by CEZ Electro Bulgaria AD reflect the costs for purchase of electricity and the costs related to the operation of customer centers, maintenance of information telephone line, provision of electronic services, printing and distribution of paper invoices and energy materials. efficiency, etc.

CEZ Electro Bulgaria's price proposal is cost-oriented, eliminates cross-subsidization and reflects an adequate distribution of costs by tariffs. For the first year, due to the entry of all business consumers on the free electricity market, cross-subsidization between households and businesses will not be possible. The company's proposal envisages the elimination of cross-subsidization between tariffs and provides for steps to equalize the prices of night and day energy.

In case the offer of CEZ Electro is accepted, the price of the daily tariff will increase by a part of the penny - 0.1 stotinki per kWh, and the night tariff will be increased by 4.8 stotinki per kWh. At the same time, the company offers a reduction in the price of energy for household customers when measured on a single scale by 1.4 stotinki per kWh. This means that with an average household consumption of 270 kWh per month for two-tariff charging (200 kWh for day and 70 kWh for night consumption), the increase in the amount paid will be about BGN 3.60 without VAT, and for single-tariff metering this amount will decrease with nearly BGN 3.90 without VAT.

It should be borne in mind that these proposed prices do not take into account any changes in the values ​​of the other price-forming components, including the cost of the public debt and the price of electricity.



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