СEWR changed the Ordinance on the connection of electricity producers and customers to the transmission and distribution networks

Joining a temporary access scheme increases the liquidity of the organized exchange market and enables more efficient utilization of the power grid capacity

Energy / Bulgaria
3E news
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Source: 3e-news.net

The Commission for Energy and Water Regulation (СEWR ) adopted a decision approving amendments and additions to Ordinance No. 6 of 24.02.2014 on the connection of producers and customers of electric energy to the transmission or distribution electricity grids /NID of Ordinance No. 6/.

Following the entry into force of the amendments to the Energy Act, adopted at the beginning of 2023, ESO EAD has received a large number of requests from customers and electricity producers to connect their sites to a temporary access scheme. This imposes an urgent need for the conditions and procedure for such accession to be regulated at the sub-legislative level.

With the adopted changes in Ordinance No. 6, regulations are created for connection to a temporary scheme of access to the electricity transmission network and the basic rights and obligations of the operator of the electricity transmission network, customers and producers are regulated. The new texts are in line with the adopted legal amendments, according to which the operator of the electricity transmission network is obliged to offer connection to a temporary access scheme on a first-come, first-served basis. The terms in which ESO EAD agrees on the conditions for connection to the relevant electricity distribution network are also regulated.

The regulator's analysis shows that with the addition of new facilities for the production of electricity, an increase in the amount of energy traded on an organized exchange market is expected and the creation of prerequisites for achieving more favorable prices. In addition, joining a temporary access scheme will also lead to more efficient utilization of the power grid capacity.

"The main goal of the changes proposed by СEWR in Regulation No. 6 is to reduce the administrative burden of the participants in the connection procedures and to regulate a temporary scheme of access to the electricity transmission network. The regulator's aspiration is to create clear rules and order regarding the entire process," said the chairman of the Commission, Prof. Ivan Ivanov, at the public discussion.

In accordance with the regulations, before the adoption of the NID of Regulation No. 6, the Commission publishes the draft of the normative act and the report of the working group on its website and on the Portal for public consultations. The public discussion was held on 20.04.2023 with the participation of ESO EAD, “Elektrorazpradelenie Yug” EAD, “Elektrorazpradelenie Sever” AD, Association for Production, Storage and Trade in Electricity, which expressed support in principle for the proposed changes. All interested parties were given the opportunity within 14 days to submit written comments, to which the regulator gives a reasoned response in its final decision.

The decision of the Commission to adopt amendments and additions to Ordinance No. 6 has been sent for promulgation in the "State Gazette".



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