Until March 31, 2025, the 10 largest municipalities in the country can apply with specific projects under the Regional Development Program

Industry / Bulgaria
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Until March 31, 2025, the 10 largest municipalities in the country can apply with specific projects under the Regional Development Program 2021-2027.

The procedure is aimed at the implementation of project ideas already approved within the first phase of the application process. Eligible for funding are activities aimed at implementing infrastructure measures to promote economic activity, energy efficiency and renovation of multi-family and single-family residential and public buildings, including student and school dormitories, as well as for sustainable mobility, incl. urban mobility. Support can be provided for measures to improve the condition of road infrastructure, functional connections and road safety, as well as green urban infrastructure and security in public spaces. Projects for the modernization of educational infrastructure and equipment, health and social infrastructure, housing, culture, sports and tourism can also apply for funding.

A mandatory requirement for all projects is that they comply with the goals and priorities of the Integrated Development Plan of the Municipality of the respective municipality.

The total amount of grant aid under the procedure is 734.3 million leva. Of these, 538.6 million leva are intended for financing projects of municipalities or clusters from less developed regions. The remaining 195.7 million leva are for the regions in transition – Sofia and Blagoevgrad.

The full package of Application Guidelines is published at the following internet addresses: https://eumis2020.government.bg, Home - Regional Development Program 2021-2027, https://www.mrrb.bg/ and www.eufunds.bg.

The deadline for submitting project proposals under the procedure in the MIS 2020 system is until 18:00 on 31.03.2025.



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