Minister Koritarova: The construction of the "Luda Yana" dam will be completed by the end of the year

Shooting ranges in the Petrokhan Pass are closed for the winter period

Industry / Bulgaria
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By the end of the year, the construction of the "Luda ​​Yana" dam and the drinking water treatment plant for it should be completed. At the present moment, construction and installation works are being actively carried out on the site. According to the deadlines, the entire complex should be ready in the next three months. This was announced by the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works, Eng. Violeta Koritarova, in response to a question from a member of parliament within the framework of the regular parliamentary control, the press center of the Ministry of Regional Development and Development announced.

We remind you that this is the second new dam for drinking purposes built in the state in the last 30 years. It will guarantee the water supply of Panagyurishte and the region. In 2019, the construction of the "Plovdivtsi" dam and its drinking water treatment plant was completed, which was the first such facility built after the democratic changes.

In response to another question, Minister Koritarova informed the people's representatives that nearly BGN 15 million have been provided by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works from 2022 until now to solve the problem of the water crisis in the Omurtag municipality. She recalled that in 2022, an agreement was signed between the Ministry of Land Development and the Municipality of Omurtag for financing in the amount of just over 1.3 million BGN, which completed stage I of the project for "Reconstruction of water pipes from water supply areas to a pressure reservoir "Low Zone". Two priority projects of Omurtag Municipality are included in the municipal investment program. They are for the second and third stages of the reconstruction of water pipes from the water supply areas to the pressure reservoir "Middle Zone". For the two projects, agreements were concluded between the MRDPW and the municipality on July 22, and the financing is for about BGN 13.7 million. Minister Koritarova pointed out that the MRDPW has not yet received requests for advance payment for the two projects. "There is no way for us to commit to deadlines for the implementation of these projects, since the commitment of the Ministry of Planning and Development is to conclude an agreement with the municipality. The implementation of the projects, the selection of the contractor and the deadlines for the implementation of the construction are within the powers of the municipal administration," the regional minister emphasized. "There is water in Omurtag, we are continuing the phased construction and replacement of the water network for the medium and high area, which we believe will improve the water supply and will not be subjected to the regime in the next two years, as long as the projects are implemented in quality and on time ", stressed Minister Koritarova.

The movement of trucks through the Petrokhan Pass during the winter season will be stopped in order not to create traffic jams and increase road trauma, the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works also announced in response to another question. She thanked the residents of the municipality of Berkovitsa, and especially the village of Burziya, for their understanding after the release of heavy goods traffic through the pass. "Immediately after the first month, we changed the temporary organization of traffic, we complied with the people's request for larger time windows, in which no lanes would cross," said Engineer Koritarova. She added that measures have been taken to clean the passage and remove waste from parking lots and intersections, which are formed by the increased traffic. Delivery and installation of six more concrete garbage containers is planned.

Minister Violeta Koritarova commented on the condition of the Ruse - Veliko Tarnovo road and the safety of those moving along it within the framework of parliamentary control. According to her, the proposal to increase the number of lanes on the Ruse - Byala road is inappropriate, pointing out that the expansion will be achieved with the construction of the Ruse - Veliko Tarnovo highway. Currently, the Road Infrastructure Agency is working on the design and construction of the 132 km long highway. The presence of the "Ruse - Veliko Tarnovo" highway will reduce traffic accidents and injuries. She also announced that for the period 2017-2022, 47.5 km of the road were repaired in 4 of its sections. The track is in very good condition. From the beginning of the year until May of this year, through ongoing maintenance, machine patching of the road surface, cleaning of lining trenches, cutting of bushes, machine and hand mowing of lawns were carried out. All completed landscape works cost over BGN 80,000, the minister said.

In the sections of intersections on the way to several villages, in order to limit the speed, a traffic organization was introduced with road signs prohibiting overtaking and requiring a reduction of the speed of traffic.



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