The negotiations to form a government with the third mandate fail

Industry / Bulgaria
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GERB-SDS will not support a government with the third mandate, the representatives of the formation confirmed at the end of the talks with "There is such people", where the possibility of broadcasting a regular cabinet was discussed. The conversations were overshadowed by allegations of a secret meeting in the National Palace of Culture, where representatives of the PP-DB, ITN, BSP, "Vazrazhdane" and the breakaways from the DPS discussed the removal of Raya Nazaryan from the chairmanship of the National Assembly.

The meeting in the building of the former Party House was attended by Denitsa Sacheva, Temenuzhka Petrova and Rosen Zhelyazkov from GERB-SDS, and the party of Slavi Trifonov was represented by Toshko Yordanov, Stanislav Balabanov, Ivaylo Valchev, Andrey Chorbanov and experts, reported

Within nearly three hours, various topics were discussed, including budget policy, education, health care, economy, defense and others. On behalf of the largest formation in the parliament, the result of the consultations was summarized by Denitsa Sacheva.

"I will not hide that there is still a certain lack of trust between us about when we negotiate in front of cameras and when decisions are made behind the scenes. This parliament is too fragmented. It is highly unusual in many ways, not least because it has 38 People's representatives who are not currently members of any political force. These 66 votes that you rely on at the moment also include the votes of independent people's representatives who are not members of any parliamentary group. This creates serious risks for this how stable the majority could be," Sacheva pointed out to the ITN negotiating team.

She emphasized that the position of GERB-SDS from the very beginning was in support of the implementation of the first mandate, and the talks held now can serve as a basis for dialogue in the subsequent 51st National Assembly.

Sacheva assured that during the next parliamentary elections, the formation will be reasonable and moderate. "We will not cross any borders, but we will build bridges, because the next parliamentary elections should be the last early elections for the country," she said.

According to her, the current 50th National Assembly does not have the prerequisites to be sustainable.

The conversation made it clear that when we focus on policies, avoiding personal fixation, then we see how much we are "for". We do not have significant differences in the goals for the development of society, neither in domestic politics nor in foreign politics, was Rosen Zhelyazkov's assessment of the talks.

"We have given the historic opportunity in this one week to act statefully. Some of them have done it. Others have not yet stated a clear position," said Stanislav Balabanov from "There is such people", stressing that the decision of GERB speaks about whether " they will act statefully".

According to him, during the almost 3-hour meeting, it became clear that they have 100% coverage with GERB-SDS. But "the shadow that hung over its leader ultimately hid the desire for expertise of its representatives, and rather the preliminary conclusion on their part of what their leader was up to, what calculations they were making," Balabanov concluded to journalists.

In his words, "one particular person wants quick elections in the state" and "his name is Delyan Peevski".

"On the basis of what is thrown into the public space, I ask myself whether the shadow of Delyan Peevski over the leader of the first political power is not too big? Borisov had the historic opportunity to define himself whose side he is on," concluded Balabanov.



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