A Chinese company with an interest in Bozhurishte Industrial Park

Industry / Bulgaria
3E news
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A Chinese company from Shanghai intends to build a pipe threading factory in our country. This becomes clear after the meeting of the owner of Pan-China Fastening Systems Co. (PCFS) Jim Zu and the management of the National Company Industrial Zones (NCIZ), announced by the state company

The Chinese own over 20 patents for pipe thread rolling and plan to invest 5 million euros in the next three years to build 40 small automated production lines.

"We want to sell our products on the European market and Bulgaria is a good place to invest in production," said Jim Zu. "We will be happy to be a partner of an innovative company like PCFS," shared Mladenka Mangezova, executive director of the National Institute of Health and Welfare.

Yana Mladenova, director of "Business Development and Projects" at NCIZ, presented the industrial zones from the company's portfolio and the opportunities for investment in them.

So far, 39 investors from the country and abroad have been attracted to the Sofia-Bojurishte Industrial Park. The area, with an area of ​​3 million square meters, offers land with built-in infrastructure with possibilities for electricity supply, water supply, household and storm sewerage, gasification, optics. Investment projects in the park exceed BGN 610 million.



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