MIG extended the application under the procedure "Implementation of innovations in enterprises"

The Ministry of Innovation and Growth (MIG) has extended until February 15, 2024, the deadline for applications under the procedure "Implementation of Innovations in Enterprises" from the Program "Competitiveness and Innovations in Enterprises" (PCIP). The reason is that the package of documents on the measure had to be synchronized with a new regulation of the European Commission (EC). The changed conditions can be seen in the ISUN 2020 system, as well as in the procedure section of the MIG website (https://shorturl.at/ivGLX).
At the end of last year, the EC increased the minimum aid ceiling for EU businesses to €300,000 over a three-year period. Until now, enterprises, including in Bulgaria, could receive minimum aid of up to 200,000 euros for three financial years. The change enables more favorable application conditions for potential beneficiaries.
The submission of project proposals under the procedure for implementing innovations in enterprises began at the beginning of November. The measure has a budget of BGN 293.4 million and can be used by micro, small, medium-sized companies and companies with up to 499 employees from various economic sectors.
The minimum amount of the grant is BGN 50,000, and the maximum amount will be differentiated according to the size of the companies. Micro- and small enterprises can apply for up to BGN 500,000, and medium-sized companies and companies with up to 499 employees - for up to BGN 800,000. Co-financing is from 20% to 50%, depending on the selected aid regime, the category of the enterprise and the place of implementation of the project.