Investment opportunities in our country were presented in Turkey by the Minister of Energy Rosen Hristov

The Minister of Energy Rosen Hristov visited a high-tech plant for solar panels in Turkey of the company Smart solar technologies, which also deals with the design and construction of solar parks. He looked at the production process, which involves over 800 people and is focused down to the smallest detail. In a conversation with the company's executive director, Halil Demirdag Hristov presented the opportunities and advantages of our country for investments in the field of green energy production. According to him, it is among the priorities of the current leadership of the Ministry of Energy.
"In Bulgaria, we need exactly such high-tech productions that emphasize quality. We also have conditions for building solar parks, which with modern technologies can be extremely efficient," said Rosen Hristov. During the tour of the plant, the Minister had the opportunity to personally test the durability of the panels with a simulated impact from hail the size of an egg.
In Istanbul, the Minister of Energy also visited the emblematic Bulgarian church "St. Stefan". There he was welcomed by Archimandrite Haralampi, who told the impressive history of the temple and presented him with an icon of Saint Stephen.