Stanislav Todorov: With reserves at the Kozloduy NPP and the suspension of RES subsidies, we managed to limit the increase in the price of household electricity

Source: Nova TV
Household users should also prepare for an average jump of 1 BGN per cubic meter in the price of water. "These prices are already a fact for about ten plumbing companies in the country". This was explained to Nova TV by EWRC Chairman Stanislav Todorov.
In his words, EWRC has done everything possible to minimize the increase in electricity and heating prices, he emphasized in response to the question of whether there is a possibility of a new increase in the price of electricity and heating during the new heating season. "EWRC has taken all measures to reduce the increase. The electricity that Bulgaria produces, we have found reserves in the Kozloduy NPP and with the suspension of subsidies for renewable energy installations - we have directed these funds to household consumers. Therefore, there the increase is only 3 percent. Bulgaria has this resource and can afford to direct it to consumers".
However, according to him, this is not the case with gas. "Gas is scarce throughout Europe. And Bulgaria competes with all other countries on the international markets - to ensure storage for the winter season, that is, to pump sufficient quantities into storage, and at the same time to ensure current consumption. In many European countries, consumption is limited - in Austria, Hungary, Germany, so that they can fill their storages. In this sense, the increase in steam, which is directly dependent on the price of gas, is the minimum we could afford. The real increase is about 120 percent, but with the compensations to RES producers, we can direct them to thermal energy and electricity". He emphasized that there is no way the price of electricity and heating, which is determined twice a year - even under extraordinary circumstances, cannot be raised.
"I can certainly say that no one in Bulgaria will be cold because of the lack of gas. What needs to be done, however, is to take serious measures. And this can be done with a stable government. As long as there is none - we have no certainty that Bulgaria will get through this crisis", said the head of EWRC.
According to him, we have secured a long-term contract with Azerbaijan, which provides a third of the country's gas consumption. "Gazprom" is welcome to supply gas to Bulgaria upon fulfillment of the conditions under the currently concluded contract. But if I have to make a decision - I have no confidence that if they promise to deliver gas - they will actually do it", he emphasized in response to the question whether we should include the Russian company in the energy mix. He added that in July we will receive liquefied gas from the USA.
Todorov also commented on the mechanisms that have been proposed to help people cope with their higher bills. "What we proposed in the Commission on Energy to the National Assembly is to think about giving the possibility of introducing several tariffs for all services that are communal and without which a household cannot live - electricity, water, heating and gas. There is currently no such possibility. Purely legally, EWRC could make such corrections if necessary. However, this is a measure that does not need to be adopted at the moment. But with a deepening political crisis, even EWRC will not be able to take these measures if they are imposed", he pointed out.