Manufacturers' products will reach the market faster

A program of the Ministry of Agriculture shortens the path from the field to the shelves in shops and commodity markets

Industry / Bulgaria
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Photo: MAFWE

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry (MAF) is developing a Program for regional and local products, which will support the development of producers and the economy in the regions. Often the owners do not consider that the goods are unique, but many of them are typical and interesting for both Bulgarian and foreign consumers and this is the reason why we started working on this program.

With it we aim to value them and strengthen the connection in the communities in which they are produced, which leads to an increase in economic activities in the regions. This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Georgi Sabev during the 8th National Conference "Access to Good Food", quoted by the press center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

He also specified that a thematic interdepartmental group has been created during its implementation, and after its finalization it will be subject to public attention.

"With regard to tourism, the program provides a measure to improve the interaction between local producers of agricultural products, food and beverages with the tourism industry," explained the Deputy Minister. He clarified that they are expected to be promoted through various activities, using the latest technologies.

According to him, Bulgaria also applies the European quality schemes, which are a Protected Designation of Origin and a Protected Geographical Indication. "Manufacturers who have successfully passed the procedure have the right to use a single European logo, which is recognizable and is a guarantee of quality and origin," said Georgi Sabev. The register currently has 1564 agricultural products, 1626 - wines, 255 - are alcoholic products and 66 foods of traditional specific character. So far, 8 Bulgarian foods, 54 native wines and 12 brandies are included, and there are also products in process.

The Deputy Minister stressed that the advantage of the products registered under the quality schemes is that they support the progress of the local economy and rural development.

"We also have several initiatives aimed at supporting domestic producers and creating the best possible conditions for access to their products on the market, including by stimulating short supply chains," the deputy minister said. He specified that one of the successful endeavors in this direction are the School Fruit and School Milk schemes. During the current school year over 430 thousand children in 3 366 schools receive fruits, vegetables, honey and milk under the School schemes.



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