Cabinet announces new social and economic measures, extends emergency epidemic situation

Industry / Bulgaria
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Bulgarian governmet proposes additional measures to comfort business and people hit by the corornavirus pandemics.

The social and economic measures were announced Monday at the governing coalition meeting. It was decided that in order to be implemented those measures should be combined with an elongation by another month of the emergency epidemical situation.

The social measures approved by the cabinet amount to BGN 1,163 billion while the economic measures add up to BGN 731 million.

"The sum will be provided by the state's budget", said PM Boyko Borissov after the meeting.

In the social sector measures include:

- financial help for school and children healthcare, for handicapped care, retirement homes and nursing homes for elderly people as well as day centres for children - a total of BGN 24,6 million
- BGN 50 per month for a 3-month period - addition to all penssions as of August, 1st
- BGN 17,3 million will be used to enhance healthcare at hospitals for patients with infectious and non specific lung deseases, psychic deseases and hospitals in hardly accessible regions
- National Health Insurence Fund will provide additional BGN 126,3 million for medical and dental help
- The Ministry of Employment and Social Policy will be provided with additional BGN 122 million to ensure personal assistants for disabled people
- the minimum daily compensation for the unemployed will be raised to BGN 12 and the period for getting it will be elongated by 3 months
- BGN 67 million will be provided for BGN 1000 after tax payment to medical workers at the front line of the battle against COVID-19 until the end of 2020.

Among economic measures there are BGN 1,8 billion support to the business and BGN 9,5 million to encourage foreign investment in this country. Additional money will be provided to almost all ministries.

On the 19th day of nationwide protests PM Boyko Borissov said that everybody had the democratic right to hold protest but demands could have possibly been more precise.

Source: BNT



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