World Nuclear Association and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency launch new partnership

World Nuclear Association has today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the OECD Nuclear Agency during the World Nuclear Association Symposium in London.
Under the MoU, both organisations have agreed to share best practices and co-operate in supporting the wider understanding of nuclear energy and its development, to enable more effective and efficient nuclear safety, to exchange on improved approaches to decommissioning deactivated facilities, to enhance the legal frameworks associated with various international nuclear activities such as transport, and to support the economic and efficient use of nuclear energy.
Agneta Rising, director general, World Nuclear Association, said: “We are delighted to announce this agreement with the OECD-NEA, which formalises and strengthens the close and successful working relationship that already exists between our two organisations in several important areas such as nuclear safety, decommissioning, education, innovation, waste management and law. This MoU will further support the development of nuclear as an affordable sustainable source of low-carbon electricity delivering 24/7”.
NEA Director General William D. Magwood, IV, added: “Industry is often the major implementer of national energy policies and has the most relevant and comprehensive information about many vital aspects of those policies. This MoU will help the NEA gain important insights from industry and ensure we are able to provide our member countries with the most relevant and comprehensive information. Our interactions with the global industry sector through the World Nuclear Association also increase the opportunities for the NEA to interact directly with the industry as we continue our work assisting our members to achieve excellence in nuclear safety, innovation, decommissioning, and other key areas.”
Notes to Editors
World Nuclear Association is the international organisation that represents the global nuclear industry. Its mission is to promote a wider understanding of nuclear energy among key international influencers by producing authoritative information, developing common industry positions, and contributing to the energy debate, as well as to pave the way for expanding nuclear business.