LV 75 Mln Invested in Water and Sewerage Infrastructure in Four Years

Industry / Bulgaria
Галина Александрова
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The Regional Development and Public Works Ministry has invested over 75 million leva in water and sewerage infrastructure over the last four years. In the meantime, water and sewerage operators reinvested 332 million leva in income to upgrade their systems.

The data was provided to MPs in response to questions they had asked to Regional Development and Public Works Minister Petya Avramova, her ministry reported on Wednesday.

Another 1.3 billion leva is to be invested in the sector by the end of 2020 under Operational Programme Environment 2014-2020 to build waste water treatment plants and to rehabilitate and construct water pipelines and installations. The funding will target over 350 sites and facilities, which were selected after regional feasibility studies.

The reform in the sector is aimed mainly to fulfill EU directives concerning drinking and waste water, make sure that the water and sewerage infrastructure is public property of the state or municipalities, and raise the efficiency of services and system maintenance while keeping prices affordable to clients

Source: BTA



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