Trade Union Warns of Tensions on Electricity Market and in Industry

Energy / Bulgaria
Галина Александрова
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The Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB) on Tuesday called for urgent measures to alleviate tensions on the electricity market and in industry. The CITUB noted that enterprises are suspending operation as they cannot cope with rising electricity prices, and producers have warned of a steep price of production and wage cuts.

Trade unions, employers, representatives of the government and the KEVR meet today at the Council of Ministers in response to the union's request to seek solutions to the future of the energy system.
CITUB urges the adoption of an urgent package of measures to protect the population from speculative commodity price increases at the height of the winter season. The Syndicate shares the concerns of the Bulgarian business that there is obviously a problem that creates tensions in the energy market. "Enterprises stop working because of high prices, producers are prone to a shocking appreciation of basic commodities," the union statement said.
According to CITUB, the increase in the price of electricity will affect not only the business, it can also lead to a rise in the prices of food and non-food goods, which will directly affect the incomes of the Bulgarian citizens.



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